Our Vision at Hilltop
Creating Responsible Pro-Social Leaders and Safer CommunitiesCOVID-19 UPDATES
Covid has had a major impact on our facility. We take great caution in assuring the health and safety of our residents. Clients and staff are given regular Covid tests and daily symptom screenings are conducted in order to hopefully identify early on set of the virus and quickly isolate and quarantine impacted residents away from other residents. We have ongoing facility cleaning strategies and regularly consult with our local health department to assure our strategies for outbreak prevention are meeting with the latest recommendations from our local, state and federal health authorities. In the case of an outbreak in our facility, it is likely that movement into the community (including work and social passes) will be suspended. This means that residents may not be permitted to leave except for medical emergencies until we have been able to contain the virus.
Due to current precautions for Covid our on-grounds visitations are suspended and loved ones are encouraged to meet the Hilltop resident in the community. Other rules and regulations have been modified to accommodate safety precautions. Residents and staff are required to wear masks while in the common areas of the facility unless they are eating and/or drinking. Residents are regularly reminded to stay six feet apart from each other.
Visitation Information
Hilltop House encourages family and friends to visit during a loved one’s stay. Click below to learn more.
Client Services
Click the link below to learn about the various services Hilltop House offers, including mail and payphone services.
We believe in promoting safe and healthy lifestyles for those in the criminal justice system progressing to become productive citizens. By partnering with the community and providing clients with evidence-based strategies that encourage positive pro-social awareness, while heightening community safety and reducing recidivism.
Meet the Team
Brie Knight
Cindy Brush
Get in Touch With Us
If you have any further questions or queries please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Client Information
Clients may be allowed to have a cell phone in the program once they meet some basic requirements of the program. Eligibility to possess a cell phone will be discussed with their case manager during their intake and the steps necessary to complete all requirements will be explained. It is a privilege to have a cell phone in this program. Any misuse or non-compliance with the rules may result in the cell phone being confiscated for a period of time. If a cell phone is found on the client prior to all of the requirements being met, it will be confiscated and donated to charity.
If a client possesses a cell phone upon entry, they should either make arrangements for a friend or family member to keep it for a period of time, or they can turn it over to staff to hold in the confiscated property cabinet. Once they have met all of the requirements and the case manager has approved it, they will be given back this cell phone and/or those individuals holding the phone for the client may make arrangements to deliver the phone to the client. This must be arranged in advance and approved by the case manager.
Here at Hilltop House Community Corrections, clients live in a dormitory style setting with another roommate; they share an open closet space and a 4-drawer dresser. Space is limited. This is especially important if clients need to downsize their personal property. Clients are allowed personal property that does not exceed filling two large trash bags when arriving to the facility. This property will be inventoried, and any new property accumulated during their stay, must be added to the inventory document. A client having excess property will be asked to take it out of the facility. Rooms are regularly checked for orderliness, contraband and excess property.
Here is a list of some suggested personal property:
- Clothing (e.g., shirts, pants, sleepwear, sweaters, shorts, jacket, socks, undergarments) and hangers
- Hygiene items (e.g., shampoo, conditioner, soap or body wash, toothbrush, toothpaste, disposable razors, shaving cream, feminine products, deodorant)
- Hygiene bag
- Clip-on reading lamp (optional)
- Books (optional; not too excessive)
- Alarm clock and watch
- Shoes and shower shoes
- Mp3 Player with FM Radio and headphones (optional)
- Towel and washcloth (optional)
- Blanket (optional; no comforters and no pillows)
- Bike and bike lock (optional)
- Laundry detergent and bleach
- One bowl and one cup (microwave safe)
- Tobacco products (optional; clients preference)
- Food and Beverages (optional; non-perishable foods (e.g., coffee, tea, sugar, coffee creamer, snacks (client preference))
Family and friends may drop off personal property and/or food with correctional staff at the front desk during regular visiting hours; after-hours requires prior arrangements with correctional staff, and it’s only to drop off personal items and/or food. All personal belongings will be searched upon entrance by correctional staff before they are given to the intended client. Any restricted item(s) will be confiscated, and a confiscated property form will be generated. The item(s) will then be stored in the supervisor’s office and the items will then be returned to the client on the day of discharge. A copy of the confiscated property form will be given to the client and a copy will stay with the property.
Drop off times for personal property and food are between the hours of:
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
7 days a week
- Any money dropped off will automatically be deposited into the intended clients account and a receipt will be attached to the deposit slip and a copy will be given to the visitor if the intended client is not at Hilltop House at the time of drop-off. A receipt will be given to the intended client.
- You may not come up and visit with anyone when dropping off items. The visit has to be pre-arranged and you have to be on the client’s visiting list prior to visitation.
- No outside food and/or drinks is permitted. This includes homemade food and restaurant/fast food.
It is the client’s responsibility to completed the visitation application in order for family and friends to come visit; however, to make the process go faster and a bit easier, here are some of the information a client would need:
- First and Last name(s) of the visitor(s)
- Date of birth(s)
- Issued state ID number(s); if you get approved, we will need a copy of your photo ID when you first get to Hilltop House.
- List of criminal record(s), if any?
Only a client’s case manager may approve a visitor and/or visitors. It usually takes up to about a week or less to get visitor(s) approved. All visits must be pre-arranged and approved by a client’s case manager prior to visitations on-ground. If you come up to Hilltop House after-hours or on a weekend, and you are not approved, your visit will be denied. You must have proper identification when visiting; if you do not have a photo ID, you will be turned away.
Visitors who are less than 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult and visitation must be pre-arranged with the client’s case manager due to these visits being arranged so that it may be held in a conference room. These visits are also held only on the weekdays (Monday through Friday) excluding weekends and holidays.
Hilltop House encourages family and friends to visit during a loved one’s stay. General visiting hours are from:
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
7 days a week
2-hour maximum per day
Each client is allowed no more than 2 visitors at a time; and you are allowed to visit no more than 2 hours per day.
You will be required to sign in upon arrival and to sign out prior to leaving at the front desk. Each visitor will be issued a visitation badge which must be visible at all times, and it must be worn for the duration of the visit.
As an alternative to visitation on facility grounds, loved ones may make arrangements to meet the Hilltop resident in the Durango community. The activity, location, persons included and length of the visit/social pass must be discussed and approved by the client’s case manager. Clients should make these arrangements well in advance (at least 24 hours) of a loved one’s visit so that all arrangements can be approved. Social passes are earned by the client and amount and length are defined by the level the client is in the program. Social passes may be restricted if clients have violated rules. This is important for loved ones to understand, so that if they are traveling long distances for a visit with the Hilltop resident that they check with the facility in advance of their trip to assure situations have not changed and that the client is still eligible for their pre-arranged social pass.
Client Services
Clients may receive mail or packages while at Hilltop House. Please have all mail sent to:
Client’s First and Last name
1050 Avenida Del Sol
Durango, CO 81301
Any mail that is not clearly labeled with the intended clients first and last name will be returned to the sender. All mail may be searched and packages will be opened in front of staff. Mail is delivered to the facility Monday through Friday, except on holidays. All mail delivered will be distributed to clients after they have been received by administration. Please note that clients are not allowed to have a post office (PO) box.
There is one payphone for use by our residents that loved ones may call. Loved ones may call the number listed below to attempt to reach the resident. Residents are allowed to use agency phones to reach out to loved ones upon their arrival.
Personal calls must be conducted on the payphones. Staff will not accept personal calls at the front desk; however, in case of a legitimate emergency, family or friends may call the front desk.
The operating hours are from:
5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Thereafter, the payphones are shut-off. The phone number is listed below:
(970) 403 – 1706
All clients are strictly prohibited from possessing a cell phone in and out of the facility.
We want every client to succeed in the program and there are many resources available to help an individual get back on track. However, if a client escapes (it does happen), Hilltop House disposes of all personal property and any savings they accumulated during their stay. The savings will be disbursed according to state statute rather than returned. The client signs a contract with Hilltop House Community Corrections when they first get here, stating the disposition of their personal property if they escape and the disbursement of their accrued savings.
Visitor Information
It is the client’s responsibility to completed the visitation application in order for family and friends to come visit; however, to make the process go faster and a bit easier, here are some of the information a client would need:
- First and Last name(s) of the visitor(s)
- Date of birth(s)
- Issued state ID number(s); if you get approved, we will need a copy of your photo ID when you first get to Hilltop House.
- List of criminal record(s), if any?
Only a client’s case manager may approve a visitor and/or visitors. It usually takes up to about a week or less to get visitor(s) approved. All visits must be pre-arranged and approved by a client’s case manager prior to visitations on-ground. If you come up to Hilltop House after-hours or on a weekend, and you are not approved, your visit will be denied. You must have proper identification when visiting; if you do not have a photo ID, you will be turned away.
Visitors who are less than 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult and visitation must be pre-arranged with the client’s case manager due to these visits being arranged so that it may be held in a conference room. These visits are also held only on the weekdays (Monday through Friday) excluding weekends and holidays.
Hilltop House encourages family and friends to visit during a loved one’s stay. General visiting hours are from:
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
7 days a week
2-hour maximum per day
Each client is allowed no more than 2 visitors at a time; and you are allowed to visit no more than 2 hours per day.
You will be required to sign in upon arrival and to sign out prior to leaving at the front desk. Each visitor will be issued a visitation badge which must be visible at all times, and it must be worn for the duration of the visit.
Hilltop House Community Corrections understands and stresses the importance of family members and friends staying in touch with their loved one’s; however, because the individual is in a correctional facility, there are many rules and requirements visitors must follow for the safety of the clients, staff and other visitors. Hilltop House reserves the right to update the Rules for Visitors at any time.
General Visitor Rules:
- All visitors must provide a picture form of identification, i.e. valid state driver’s license, non-valid driver’s license, state ID, military ID or passport.
- All visitors will be signed in (and out) by a correctional staff and issued a visitor badge.
The badge shall be displayed at all times.
- No visitors under the age of 18 are permitted without written permission of the case manager, referring agency and director.
- Visitors are subject to search of their person, vehicle and personal property to the degree necessary to ensure the facility security and the prevention of contraband. Visitation may be denied for failing to submit to this search request.
- Illegal and nuisance contraband is strictly prohibited.
- Clients schedule their flight plans a week in advance and all visitor(s) by name must be scheduled and approved by the client’s case manager.
- Visitors not on an approved visiting list, arriving unannounced, or do not have proper identification will be denied visitations.
- Visitors arriving at the facility outside of the established visiting hours will be asked to leave the premises.
- Visitors found to be in any unauthorized area will be asked to leave the facility.
- Visitors are not permitted to bring pets or other animals onto facility grounds/property.
Service dogs are permitted with application.
- No outside food and/or drinks is permitted. This includes homemade food and restaurant/fast food.
- Smoking is allowed only in designated smoking areas.
- Visitation is not permitted in a visitor’s vehicle.
- Clients are not permitted to use visitor’s cell phones.
- Clients may request advance permission for visit time extensions due to the client’s visitor traveling a substantial distance. This visit must be pre-arranged by client and approved by his or her case manager.
- Visitation is only allowed in specific areas of the facility; there is a map that designates these areas.
- Sexual contact between clients and visitors such as petting, snuggling, prolonged/open mouth kissing or other bodily contact is prohibited. Only at the time of arrival and departure, may the visitor and client exchange a brief kiss and embrace.
- Clients and/or visitors who display inappropriate or abusive behavior, use foul or obscene language, or refuse to comply with Hilltop House rules, policies or procedures shall be denied visitations or, if already visiting, shall be required to leave the premises immediately.
Visitors are expected to dress appropriately and avoid clothing styles that are revealing and provocative. You may be asked to change/cover-up any article of clothing deemed inappropriate by staff.
Clothing that may NOT be worn includes:
- No Halter, tank or tube tops.
- No backless or bare midriff tops.
- No skirts and dresses that are more than 3 inches above the knee when standing.
- No see through or fishnet woven type of clothing.
- No spandex/lycra, tight knit or excessively tight fitting clothing.
- No pants, short or skirts that expose the rear or hind part of the body.
- No controversial/objectionable, gang, obscene, profanity, drug or alcohol-related messages on clothing.
- Shoes are required at all times.

Hilltop House has served multiple districts in its history. The list includes the following:
Colorado Department of Public Safety, Division of Criminal Justice | 1979 – Current |
Federal Bureau of Prisons | 2000 – 2014 |
22nd Judicial District Cortez, CO | 1982 – Current |
7th Judicial District Montrose, CO | 1984 – 2013 |
Department of Corrections Youth Offender Services | 2003 – Current |
6th Judicial District, County Court (Electronic Monitoring) | 1998 – Current |
United States Pretrial Services (urine collection and residential) | 1997 – Current |
6th Judicial District Private Probation | 1996 – 1997 |
5th Judicial District | 2009 – Current |
Our History
We believe in promoting safe and healthy lifestyles for those in the criminal justice system progressing to become productive citizens. By partnering with the community and providing clients with evidence-based strategies that encourage positive pro-social awareness, while heightening community safety and reducing recidivism.
Southwest Colorado Community Corrections Center Inc. (S.W.C.C.C.C, Inc.) was incorporated in 1979 as a non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation, to assume the legal operation of Hilltop House Community Corrections. Hilltop House was formed as an agency operated by La Plata County to provide Community Corrections Services through a federal grant in 1976 as one of the first community corrections 929programs in Colorado. The primary focus of the program was to assist Department of Corrections offenders who were returning to this area and to provide prison diversion for local residents. Diversion placements remained restricted to the 6th Judicial District (Archuleta, La Plata and San Juan Counties) until 1982 when the first contracts were initiated with the 22nd Judicial District. The program moved three times and occupied rental homes in the community. In 1984 a permanent facility was constructed at 1050 Avenida Del Sol on leased property provided by the city. The facility opened in May 1984 with an initial occupancy of 20 beds and a design capacity of 30 beds. This capacity was expanded in 1998 to 40 residential beds and in 2007 to its current capacity of 54 residential beds.
Hilltop House has been providing residential Community Corrections services for 30 years under the umbrella of Southwest Colorado Community Corrections Center, Inc. Hilltop House was originally a county run program for three years prior to being incorporated under S.W.C.C.C.C. Inc.